Stay secure in cyberspace

Diplo Learning Corner

Many people now understand the role of personal hygiene in maintaining good health. Until the 19th Century this was not the case everywhere and life expectancy was considerably shorter due to contagious disease, plagues, contaminated food and water, etc.
While viruses and plagues continue to exist in real life, a similar situation arose in cyberspace in the form of malicious software.
The explosive growth in the adoption of electronic devices by the general population (computers in various forms, smartphones and tablets) is creating and environment where some measures of digital hygiene (such as maintaining strong passwords, carrying out backups, not becoming a victim to phishing, etc.) are needed to protect the devices and the data they contain as well as their owners.

Ed Gelbstein, in his last book published with Bookboon, describes in simple, non technical language a collection of good practices that can be considered as sensible good…

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